Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hayek's Journey: The Mind of Friedrich Hayek

!1: Now is the time Hayek's Journey: The Mind of Friedrich Hayek Order Today!

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Sep 08, 2010 09:45:12

Hayek's Journey is a philosophical, intellectual exploration of Hayek's comprehensive life work. Tracing Hayek's intellectual journey from Vienna at the turn of the 20th century through London, Chicago, and Freiburg, Hayek's Journey provides a deeper understanding and exploration of Hayek's thought than previously attempted. Special attention is given to Hayek's intellectual relationships with Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Popper, and Milton Friedman. Hayek's Journey presents Hayek as an economist, political philosopher, and pure philosopher. Particular consideration is given also to development of Hayek's final work, The Fatal Conceit. In Hayek's Journey, Hayek emerges as a thinker and writer of the greatest depth and importance.

!1: Best Buy Frederich Hayek was a genius who happened upon his brilliance by both nature and nurture. He lived in an era which thought it not unusual to work in both the physical and social sciences. In Hayek's case it was most important that his first love was biology since the evolutionary underpinnings of society were fundamental to his approach to the social sciences.

He is today remembered for such classics as THE FATAL CONCEIT, THE CONSTITUTION OF LIBERTY and especially THE ROAD TO SERFDOM. He excelled in many categories and it was this fusion of various fields that made his work so unique and so vital. Starting as a scientist in the tradition of Ernest Mach, he soon began studies in economics, particularly value. From semi-Socialist leanings he became convinced of the link between economic and political freedom. This was the subtext of THE ROAD TO SERFDOM.

His argument against collectivism and central-run economies are as valid today as they were in the early part of last century. Central economies fail because 1) Society has too much knowledge to be centrally commanded (2) all economic decisions become political and thus authoritarian and noncreative and (3) there is no way to set value (price) under Socialism.

THE SENSORY ORDER dealt with epistomology, then he branched out to philosophy and politics. As an example of how Socialist we have become, Hayek's views were called ""liberal" and are now called "conservative" despite the fact that they're unchanged. He wrote one piece "WHY I AM NOT A CONSERVATIVE" which is a clarion call for libertarianism and classical liberalism.

The book examines the clashes between intellectual giants - von Mises, Popper, Mach, Wittgenstein (his cousin) and others. He was a secularist, a capitalist and a political liberal in the classical sense. His work on monetary policy still affects us (adjusting interest rates to increase or decrease the money supply, "floating" currencies externally). His influence with Western politicians and intellectual leaders was and is huge. He won the Nobel Prize for Economics in appreciation for his many contributions.

Almost as an afterward Hayek issued a brilliant statement. The aim of all economists is the increase in material wealth. He wanted this accomplished through an increase in wealth (capitalism) rather than a confiscation / redistribution of wealth (socialism / central run economies). The battle between these two points of view are with us today. on Sale!

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